The entrance to the Consulate General of Eritrea, located in Toronto |
There are calls to expel Eritrea's top diplomat in Canada because he
presides over a system that's milking money from the Eritrean community
in this country.
Evidence obtained by CBC News suggests Consul Semere Ghebremariam O.
Micael is again soliciting taxes despite a threat by Canada eight months
ago not to renew his credentials if he kept at it.
But one Eritrean in Toronto, who has asked not to be identified,
tells the CBC it was business as usual just a few weeks later when he
had to pay.
"You have to go to the consulate and they arrange how you have to pay
the money. They want two per cent … they don't give you a reason. You
have to pay the money."
What would happen if he didn't?
"My family [in Eritrea] would get in trouble if I don't pay," he said.
Threats and intimidation
United Nations report last year indicated that state threats and
intimidation were commonly used against families in Eritrea to get their
relatives living in Canada and other countries to pay up, though now
the government sometimes uses a financial middleman.
"As far as I'm concerned it's a ruse, doing indirectly what the
government told them not to do directly," said David Matas, a Winnipeg
human rights lawyer who represents some in the Eritrean community who
resent it.
The dictatorship in Eritrea imposes what the UN has condemned as a
worldwide "diaspora tax" on its nationals, valued at two per cent of
their income.
It often adds a second tax up to $500, described on the Eritrean
government clearance form as a "donation to national defence against
Ethiopian invasion."
On Sept. 10, 2012, Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs advised the
Eritrean consul in Toronto that soliciting and collecting these taxes
was incompatible with consular duties, and his accreditation would not
be renewed if he and his consulate didn't stop.
The consulate later indicated in writing that it would comply.
But audio provided to CBC News by Eritrean-born Teklezghi Yohannes
Gabir from a meeting he attended in Winnipeg on April 21, 2013, reveals a
voice he identifies as that of the consul sounding as if he is again
soliciting money.
"What we are saying is that you have to fulfil the law of the country
to be an investor because you are a citizen of the country" it says in a
translation done for the CBC to English from Tigrinya, the language of
business in Eritrea.
"Therefore, since what it comes down to is national honour and law,
any service that requires a permit will have to remit two per cent."
Refusing to pay
36, an Eritrean living in Winnipeg, has paid the tax in the past but
refuses to pay any more, and offered the audio hoping it might help stop
the collections.
"I was there personally, and it was all aimed at collecting money and
sending it to Eritrea," he said. "I think the Canadian government
didn't follow up and they don't know what is going on."
But a source tells CBC News that Canada's spy agency, the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), is familiar with the story and has
been in contact with the Eritrean community seeking information about
the tax scam.
And the issue was also laid out to federal officials as recently as
three months ago, according to Ghazae Hagos, who was present at the
Hagos, a former journalist in the Eritrean capital of Asmara, speaks
for HIDMONA, the Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group of Manitoba.
He says he and a colleague met last February with Conservative MP
Deepak Obhrai, the parliamentary secretary to the minister of foreign
affairs, and a deputy director from the Africa division of the
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
"They said they were very concerned about it. They said they would
seriously study the matter and take the appropriate action," Hagos said.
In the past, Eritrean Consul Semere Ghebremariam Micael denied
there's opposition to the tax and said as much on the radio network
Voice of America (VOA) on Sept. 27, 2012, just days after Canada told
him to get out of the business or lose his accreditation.
"I don't have much doubt that this is going to be an obstacle to the
people … the public is still doing it, saying about this matter.… 'It is
our right to pay.' We don't have any problems with our community," he
Reliance on diaspora for cash
Eritrea is one of the
youngest and poorest countries in Africa. And with 10,000 political
prisoners filling its jails, according to an Amnesty International
report this month, one of its most repressive. Independence came only
after decades of conflict with Ethiopia, with which it maintains an
uneasy peace today.
Consequently, the regime relies on diaspora cash for hard currency.
But according to the UN, it also uses its money to support armed rebels
opposing Ethiopia, and others with ties to the notorious al-Shabaab
movement in Somalia.
Because of Eritrea's destabilizing role in the troubled Horn of
Africa, the UN imposed sanctions on the country in 2009, hoping to choke
off its access to arms and money.
Canada later adopted them, meaning those who pay are violating UN
sanctions and may also be breaking Canadian law according to past
Through it all, the consul has not been shy about his country's
intention to keep collecting cash no matter how Canada views it.
In the VOA interview on September 2012, he interpreted Canada's
warning just a few days earlier, as a green light for Eritrea to keep
"What the government of Canada is saying is that the task of a
consulate office is not to collect a tax of two per cent, and it is not
your mandate to do that, so you cannot collect payment here.
"But the law of Eritrea is still there as it is, and they have not
said anything about that. Therefore, it is not that Eritrea should not
ask payment, but you cannot charge here."
To that end, Ghazae Hagos of HIDMONA says Eritrea has adopted some opaque banking methods.
Money wired to Germany
a sworn affidavit seen by CBC News, an Eritrean who has asked not to be
identified describes being schooled in the tax payment process by
officials at the Eritrean Consulate in Toronto, three months after
Canada warned the office to end its involvement.
Several hundred dollars of his money were subsequently wired from a
Canadian bank, to a second financial institution in Germany called the
Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank (DZ Bank) of Frankfurt.
From there, the documents show the funds were wired to a third
institution, the Housing and Commerce Bank of Eritrea in the capital
city of Asmara, of which the majority owner is the ruling regime, the
People's Front for Democracy and Justice.
"They should stop," said Winnipeg human right lawyer David Matas.
"But they were already asked to stop and they didn't, so I think they
should be evicted. I mean, they're thumbing their noses at the Canadian
If Canada doesn't do something, Matas worries it's setting up people
from Eritrea and potentially other expatriate communities to become
walking ATMs for other regimes.
"If Eritrea gets away with it, we're going to start seeing China
doing it. And Iran doing it. And North Korea doing it. And I think we
have to make every effort to stop this right now, or else we're going to
see it mushroom."
Ghazae Hagos of the Eritrean-Canadians Human Rights Group of Manitoba said he would like to see the Eritrean Consulate closed.
"Canada has to go beyond threat of pressure, of threat of expulsion
of the consul. I think the closure of the consulate office is long
overdue if Canada is really serious about it."
CBC News contacted the Eritrean Consulate three times in the past
week to request comment, but telephone calls were not returned.